Midnight, after a long day working for the hubs and a long day of taking care of a toddler for me. D has finally gone to sleep, snoring away in his crib. It's time to get it on. And not because we want to. Since we have finally decide to TTC (try to conceive) for a second.
Don't get me wrong, we really want a second. I really want the chance to have a full term pregnancy. I want a little bitty screaming, eating, pooping machine. Ok not really, but I want another baby dang-it!
Ok so back to midnight. Hubs back hurts, I'm exhausted. There is no mood, whatsoever, other than "let's get this over with". I will be the first to admit there was a 50% chance I would fall asleep while DTD. But I didn't! So yay me.
I proceed to say good night, to tired to do more than put on the basics, ie underwear. Hubs pulls out his MacBook and does....whatever he does on that thing. And I begin to think. Now at this point I'm in that "so tired you slur like you're drunk" mode. I proclaim that it's unfair that men choose the sex. The woman should have a say too. But then what happens if you get two y's instead of an xx or xy? I lay and ponder this thought, and begin to cackle uncontrollably.
Maybe we should wait a little while more. I could really use some more sleep
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